Wednesday, January 27, 2010

✖ Dream Came TRUE?? ✖

Hello guys ^^ Bybae is coming back~
Okay, today I would like to talk about "DREAM".

My first question is :
How will you feel if your dream comes true??


Ops~! I shouldn't ask that question. Please read my title carefully. My title is "Dream CAME True" !!! That means I succeed to make my dream REAL!!

Am I happy? NO! It's really freaky that I make no sense with it. Am I funny?

Can you guys remember the yellow card or 001 card in our primary school? (I think I didn't mess you up) Then, can you guys remember what was your ambition you filled in that card? I DO!! I can still remember vividly that I wrote TEACHER as my ambition! (OMG! I don't know what was I thinking at that moment) So I think being a teacher used to be my ambition. =.=" ( I guess many primary students set teacher as their ambition and I don't know why >.<") Should I say thank you to GOD?? Frankly, I swear I neither make wishes nor watch meteor before! sigh...I have to admit that I am a teacher now. I am teaching in my primary school with my primary school's teacher. GOD, are you kidding me? As my experiences, I want to advise you not to make wishes or set your goal without thinking deeply. I knew!! It will really come TRUE!! Perhaps I have done many good deed so my wish came true yet it had been delayed for about 10 years and more. Anyway,I learned many things that we will never understand as a student.

It's raining now and I feel so tired after teaching my naughty students. I promise you guys that I will update the rest and the posts I noted in my last post as fast as possible.

If you have any interest dream
and you want to share with me,
you can drop me a line here.
Boundless Welcome ^^

I smile because you are happy ^^
If you love my smile then you should be happy all the time~

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